Are you growing tomatoes in your garden this year? What is summer without a homegrown tomato? I have about 7 different varieties growing in my backyard garden this year. .
Cherokee Purple, Sweet 100, Yellow Pear, Old German, Better Boy, Black Krim, and Brandy Wine. I do not have rows of vegetables, I plant mine around herbs and flowers. I plant my marigolds all around the tomato plants. They have taken off and I am starting to get green tomatoes on all of them.
Right after I planted my tomato plants, I added mushroom compost to the soil. I also throw my ground up eggshells around each plant. Tomatoes love eggshells. As the eggshells break down, calcium is released freely into the soil. The calcium helps your tomato plants grow and prevents blossom end rot.
When more fruit starts to appear, I will add Tomato-tone to the soil every two weeks.
I can't wait to see what kind of harvest I will get this year.

I still struggle with different ways to stake my plants. They outgrow Tomato cages too fast, Finding a stake tall enough is hard, and I end up having half my plants fall over by the end of July. This year I am going to try the tall stakes and tie a stretchy string around the plants.
Like in this video I found online. See Video Here
By Mlgardener. Enjoy!
I find myself in the garden playing with my plants anytime I am not working at Moore & Moore. Just pulling up weeds, picking at each plant, and watching everything grow. It is my happy place.
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