What is the average first and last frost dates for Nashville?
Helping home gardeners grow their best garden is our mission at Moore & Moore. We know that most people are ready to put winter—and it's cold —behind them. If you are a nashville native you know that the winter months can be different from day to day. 65 degrees one day and 27 degrees the next. Then even the spring months can have their cold spells and we can get a deep freeze in late April. So, when can we expect the cold to really be on its way out? Our “Day of the Last Spring Freeze” map, which is based on climatology, can help answer that question for this area.

How do my average last and first frost dates help me choose varieties?
Once you know your average last frost date, you can count days until your average first frost date to see if your growing season is long enough to grow the variety, using the days to maturity. Our vegetable packets list the "days to maturity" which means the number of days it will take to produce fruit with the right average temperature and conditions.
