Open Monday - Saturday 8-5 and Sundays Noon-5 • 8216 Hwy. 100, Nashville, TN 37221 • 615-662-8849

Garden Center
At Moore & Moore Garden Center, it all starts with the plants. Finding the healthiest, most beautiful plants is JOB ONE. Once here, they receive the very best care possible from our plant experts. We pamper our plants much the way we pamper our customers, with tender, loving care each day. It’s just another way Moore & Moore is different.
And while we’re not the largest garden center around, you can always count on us for an interesting selection. You’ll find tried and true species of plants and natives but you’ll also discover new, unusual and improved varieties. Our selection of annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs reflect the native species that do so well in our area and the latest trends and plant introductions.